Walk with Us!
Does your profession, hobby or obsession involve wearing historical costume? If so, then we salute you. In fact we are holding a Festival reception in your honour!
Meet us at the Scott Monument on Princes Street at 11:00pm on the 7th of August and The Confraternity of Neoflagellants will escort you to a top secret and highly exclusive party at an unco site in Edinburgh Southside where you will be offered free beverages and entertained by Paul Vickers & The Leg, Adopted as Holograph and Isaac Buckton (DJ).
All are welcome to join us on our pilgrimage through Auld Reekie.
Please ensure that you are wearing historical or ghostly apparel.
If you attempt to cross the Styx sheathed in the modern vogue then your adventure will end.
This event has been made possible by support from the Scottish Government's Edinburgh Festivals Expo Fund for the Edinburgh Art Festival 2010, Central Station, New Media Scotland and Inspace.