Green Skreen Mumming in the Modern Age
Plastique Fantastique + 0rphan Drift
Members of the group producing the performance fiction Plastique Fantastique present a new collaboration with the artist group 0rphan Drift. This collaboration involves and a common interest in mumming and animism. Plastique Fantastique have used mumming – the tradition of presenting masked plays – as mode for delivering communiqués from the extreme past and future in a number of performance works, most recently in the flag-ship Apple Store in Central London. Green Skreen Mumming in the Modern Age talk performs their interest in animism and human and non-human agents in relation to mass-media. They will also talk about the concept of myth-science and performance in relation to what has been referred to as the post-truth or past-fact era.
Plastique Fantastique (David Burrows and Simon O’Sullivan) is a mythopoetic fiction – an investigation of aesthetics, the sacred, popular culture and politics – produced through comics, performances, text, installations and shrines and assemblages.