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Sermo, BokesThekaries

The protocanonical and deuterocanonical @neoflagellant corpus consists of script and flesh manifest in the aforementioned sermo, bokes and thekaries:

pan-pan, boke, forthcoming on Punctum, 2020

Confraternity of Neoflagellants: pan-pan, Knott Project Space, SAW Video, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 16th October-17th November 2019. 

In medias res, postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies (2019) Script by Keeper of the Wardrobe Neil Mulholland.


MInTOone80Five (NOT Clickbait) (2019) in Most Dismal Swamp 002: Whale Fall, 30th March – 28th  April 2019, Gossamer Fog London,

Neomedieval Fictioning before and after Contemporary Art | Saturday 1st July 2017, The Middle Ages in the Modern World, A multidisciplinary conference on medievalism in the post-Middle Ages. University of Manchester | Panel featuring: Plastique Fantastique, ‘Mumming in the Post-Truth Era’ | The Confraternity of Neoflagellants, ‘Trial by Future Dead’ | David Steans, ‘Saint Good Works’

WeRLtd!: Bestiary 4Achieving Imitation Doxa | Prose | Dark Mountain Issue 11, Spring 2017. p146-155. Hardback book, 248 pages long, printed on FSC-certified paper. Hardback £15.99 from Download PDF here

WeRLtd! | 6 October 2016 25min | performance for the 48th Annual Conference of the International Visual Literacy Association, Concordia, Montréal

"Confraternity of Neoflagellants" | Friday 30th September 2016 | | Listaháskóli Íslands 11, Þverholt, Reykjavík, 105, Iceland

Envisioning Future Premodern Materialisms | 23 Sept 2016 | Performance for Performing Situated Knowledges: Space, Time, Vulnerability: 7th Annual Conference on the New Materialisms, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw.

Mobilitas Loci (Muller Ltd.), ‘Unexpected Encounters with Deep Time’, Edinburgh Environmental Humanities Network, The University of Edinburgh. 26 Nov 2015

Mobilitas Loci (Muller Ltd.) in ed. Kerr. S. and Beech, A. CAVEAT EMPTOR, Lanchester Gallery Projects, 24 Nov 2015

Thekarites, ‘Mash Notes’, BABEL Working Group Biennial Meeting, University of Toronto, ON, Canada.12 Oct 2015

Let us know about anything wrong, or anything you don’t like about this review, and you could win a $50 Amazon voucher!, ‘Hermeneutics 2.0’, BABEL Working Group Biennial Meeting, University of Toronto, ON, Canada. 10 Oct 2015

Investigating Future Premoderns (TM), School of Visual Arts, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada. 7 Oct 2015


SUPER WOOFER, Matt’s Gallery, London. 1 Aug 2015

Medieval Helpdesk, Leeds International Medieval Congress 2015, University of Leeds, England. 12 Jul 2015

Chaired panel “Investigating Future Premoderns (TM): Neomedieval Aesthetics in the 21st Century” at the Leeds International Medieval Congress 2015, England. 6 Jul 2015. Two CoN sermo, one by Sgt.-at-Arms, one by Keeper of the Wardrobe.

‘When Transfiguration Became Commonplace’, Crafting Values: Art and its Economies, University of Edinburgh. 23 Jan 2015.

Salontology: EMBASSY, Edinburgh Jan 2015

Hot Dog Party, Baut Haus, Edinburgh. Part of the 2014 Edinburgh Annuale. 28 June 2014

Voices of the Future Dead broadcast on L'étranger radio show #313 ‘Manipulating the Future Dead’ broadcast 21h00 - 22h00 (CET) on Radio Panik 105.4FM, Brussels, Belgium.10 Jun 2014

‘Exploit.zzxjoanw.Gen’, Punctum Records, New York. May 2014

'Breakthrough’ published on an audio zine of vagrant sonic fictions curated by Dane Sutherland. Collective Gallery, Edinburgh. May 2014


‘Detours’, Enclave, London. Apr 2014

Two CoN sermo: “What are Neomedievalisms?” and “Darker Matter: Neomedieval Materialism”, Neomedievalisms’ Goldsmiths University of London. A three-day graduate symposium based around our book thN folk Lng 2go. Jan 2014

‘Unbundling the Border: Neomedieval North’, Borderlands, University of Northumbria, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England. 13 Dec 2013 Sermo by Neil Mulholland, Keeper of the Wardrobe

thN Lng folk 2go, Punctum Books, New York, September 2013.

A boke in fif bokes, prefaced by Simon O'Sullivan

No True Scotsman“Scotland 2014: Coming of Age and Loss of Innocence?” - Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germersheim, Germany, 17-23 October 2013. Sermo by Neil Mulholland, Keeper of the Wardrobe

The Great Stone of Swarovski..................August 2012

Jon Fawcett: Whum & EIR Tate Modern, The Tanks, Londres. Published in The Wild Pansy Guide to Neomedievalism, Leeds, 2013.

thN Lng folk 2go | Anchorites...............August 2013, The Middle Ages in the Modern Word, University of St. Andrews, Scotland.

Three Little Neomedievalisms......... April 2013, Ontario College of Art & Design, Toronto, Canada. Sermo by Neil Mulholland, Keeper of the Wardrobe

Neoflagellation .......... April 2013, Pacific Northwest College of Art, Portland,Oregon, USA. Sermo by Neil Mulholland, Keeper of the Wardrobe

The Land of Cockaigne.....................................Spring 2012

Ant Macari, Northern Gallery of Contemporary Art, England

Strathbogie Knights..................................July 2012

Ross Sinclair, Deveron Arts, Huntly, Ecosse.

Great British Art Debate Conference, December 2011 Tate Britain, London. Sermo by Neil Mulholland, Keeper of the Wardrobe

New Medievalism...................November 2011 Sint-Lucas Beeldende Kunst - Gent, Flanders. Sermo by Neil Mulholland, Keeper of the Wardrobe

Dans le Cours des Mont Royal............December 2011

Lily of Blythenhale : Andro Seimiko, Acme Project Space, London.

Recovering.............................................June/July 2011 Untitled Gallery, Manchester. Group Show.

New Lanark...........................................Spring 2011 Perspectives

An Unco Site!............................................August 2010

Edinburgh Art Festival 2010

Confraternity of Neoflagellants..................June 2010

Interview by Central Station

City of Dead...............................June 2010

Andrew Cattanach, The Skinny

'Avalon'....................................... .June 2010

Embassy, Edinburgh

'Avalon' Book II...........................June 2010

Embassy Books, Edinburgh

Confraternity of Neoflagellants.............Summer 2010

MAP: Journeys in Contemporary Art 

Unrealised Potential, Cornerhouse, Manchester. Group Show ................................................June 2010

Confraternity of Neoflagellants, The North, Edinburgh College of Art. May 2010

Return of the Long Now............................March 2010

MFA research paper by Sgt.-at-Arms Norman Hogg introducing the concept of neomedievalism accross various fields. (email us for a copy)

The Dark Knight Returns..........................March 2010

Art Review No. 39 Feature by Keeper of the Wardrobe Neil Mulholland.

Neo-medieval Art after Britain, 2010 College Art Association Conference, Chicago, Historians of British Art British Art: Survey and Field in the Context of Glocalization, Grand B, Gold Level, East Tower, Hyatt Regency Chicago, Ill. USA. Sermo by Keeper of the Wardrobe Neil Mulholland.

Unveiling: Rocket MT2010, artist book by Andro Seimko published by Basement Art Projects, as part of Berwick Gymnasium Fellowship 2009-10. Short story by Keeper of the Wardrobe Neil Mulholland.

Sequences 2009, Nordic House, Reykjavik, Iceland. November 2009. Sermo by Keeper of the Wardrobe Neil Mulholland.

DAWN OF THE DOGHEADS............................Oct 2009 Short story by Norman Hogg, published in catalogue for exhibition Warehouse of Horrors at the Embassy Gallery.

Being British, Stephen Lawrence Gallery, University of Greenwich, London. 15th April 2009. Sermo by Keeper of the Wardrobe Neil Mulholland.

Fall of the House of Nissifer........................April 2008

Diary exrtact of Madame Nissifer transcribed by Sgt.-at-Arms Norman Hogg for the Beagles and Ramsay publication Uncle Chop Chop. (PDF)

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